William Barclay's New Testament Commentary by Logos


William Barclay's New Testament Commentaries William Barclay's New Testament Commentary Bargain Priced!  Sells for $159.95 from Logos; Our sales price is  only $115.95!

The following description of the series is provided by William Barclay himself: "William Barclay’s best selling modern classic is by far our most frequently requested New Testament commentary series. It is easy to understand, insightful, and inspirational. It is certainly one of the most widely read modern commentaries available. Get the complete seventeen-volume LLS compatible edition on one CD-ROM.

Edited Excerpts from the General Introduction: The Daily Study Bible series has always had one aim—to convey the results of scholarship to the ordinary reader. A. S. Peake delighted in the saying that he was a "theological middleman", and I would be happy if the same could be said of me in regard to these volumes. And yet the primary aim of the series has never been academic. It could be summed up in the famous words of Richard of Chichester's prayer—to enable men and women "to know Jesus Christ more clearly, to love him more dearly, and to follow him more nearly".

It is a great joy to me to know that all through the years The Daily Study Bible has been used at home and abroad, by minister, by missionary, by student and by layman, and that it has been translated into many different languages. ...the Biblical quotations within the text have been changed to use the Revised Standard Version, but my own original translation of the New Testament passages has been retained at the beginning of each daily section.

There is one debt which I would be sadly lacking in courtesy if I did not acknowledge. The work of revision and correction has been done entirely by the Rev. James Martin, M.A., B.D., minister of High Carntyne Church, Glasgow. Had it not been for him this task would never have been undertaken, and it is impossible for me to thank him enough for the selfless toil he has put into the revision of these books.--Signed William Barclay

This is a marvelous resource which lists for $159.95 and is currently offered by Logos for $139.95,  but is on sale from L & C Software for $115.95


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