New Releases in Catholic Audios II

Reflections on the Letter to the Colossians by Fr. Mitch Pacwa Reflections on the Letter to the Colossians by Fr. Mitch Pacwa  Throughout his pontificate, John Paul II has been calling the world to focus on the person of Jesus Christ. As Father Mitch Pacwa points out in this exciting new series, our Holy Father doesn't call us to either a conservative or a liberal attitude; he calls us to a Jesus-centered attitude that makes no political distinctions. Without compromise, every one of us is called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ-a disciple of the truth, finding holiness in our everyday lives.  With insightful reflections on St. Paul's letter to the Colossians, Fr Pacwa, Scripture scholar and professor at the University of Dallas' Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies, identifies the similarities between the teachings of John Paul II and St. Paul himself who again and again reminded the Colossians that we are in Christ and that we must remain in him, our only hope. Fr. Mitch explains the parallels between the problems St. Paul fought against in his time and the problems we face today. Some of these concerns include the following of angels and “other Christs” as well as doubting the divinity of Christ-issues we find today in the teachings of the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the New Age Movement. Using St. Paul's Epistles as well as other Scriptural references, Father Mitch refutes all of these errors in detail.

The Beauty of the Cross

With his informative, easy-going, and entertaining style, Father Mitch will help increase your love of Jesus Christ as he fills you with thought-provoking insights on the preeminence of Christ over all creation and the deep love he has for us, his creatures. Using the words of St. Paul, he shows you see the beauty of the Cross, of suffering, and of our ministry to make the Word of God known throughout the world.  With his broad knowledge of language, science, philosophy, and of course Scripture, Fr Mitch will give you much food for thought as well as practical suggestions for living out your call to be a true disciple of Christ. Emphasizing the need for study as well as time before the Blessed Sacrament, he explains how in Christ, we are all called to be treasures of wisdom and knowledge, whatever our vocation in life. Reflections on Colossians is a must for anyone who wants to follow the call of John Paul II to grow in wisdom and knowledge and understanding of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (4 tapes) $20.95  Order by phoning toll free 877-461-8608 or click below:


Share of the Prophets by Dr. Scott Hahn Your Share of the Prophets by Dr. Scott Hahn  Most Christians gain little profit from reading the prophetic books of the Bible. Some reduce the sum of the prophecies to a few Old Testament forecasts about the Virgin Birth and the suffering Messiah. Others chalk it all up to vague predictions about the distant future. Still others just write off the prophets as too weird for popular consumption. Yet the words of the prophets are indispensable to our growth - not only in our understanding of the Catholic faith, but in our most basic understanding of the world we live in. Without a clear understanding of prophecy, we cannot interpret the signs of our times. Scott shows us how to read prophetic works, and how to apply the prophetic word to everyday life. First, we have to put away false notions of prophecy. Did you know that the strange language of prophecy fills more than the 17 prophetic books of the Old Testament. It's in the books of Moses as well, and in the words of Jesus and St. Paul and the Book of Revelation. And we can find it, in modern times, in the writings of seers such as the children of Fatima. Prophecy goes everywhere that biblical faith is found. For prophecy is not just about the distant past or distant future. It's primarily about your life, right here, right now.  

Guidance for Today

Cardinal Ratzinger put it well in his notes illuminating the third secret of Fatima. Prophecy in the biblical sense, he explained, does not mean merely to predict the future, but to explain the will of God for the present. For it's God's will that every generation, and every individual since Adam, should undergo a severe trial, a testing of faith and virtue - an ordeal. Sometimes the testing involves political or social turmoil. In many cases, however, the suffering is mostly personal and private. These ordeals usually seem hopeless by human standards and present us with choices that are obscure.  Why does God allow us to get into so much trouble? It takes a special grace to figure out why, and to determine what we need to do about it. That grace is the charism of prophecy. We can't understand the signs of our own times unless we have a clear understanding of the nature of prophecy. If you've given scant attention to the prophets until now, you've done so at your own peril. In these troubled times, you can't afford to live without the guidance of the prophets. Sells for $32.95 but our sale price for (6 tapes) is only $27.95.  If you prefer the CD Version it sells for $44.95 but our price is $39.95. Order by phoning 877-461-8608 or click below:


   $27.95 Audio version


  $39.95 CD Version

Graceful Parenting by Stephen K. Ray Graceful Parenting by Steven Ray  What could be more important today than raising our children to become outstanding adults? Teaching them to love and respect God and neighbor, to love their Faith and to be able to explain and defend it before detractors?  In this exciting and information-packed tape set from Steve Ray, Catholic dad of four, you'll gain valuable insights into the care and nurturing of children. With enthusiasm, humor, and often with emotion, Steve instructs by drawing from personal experiences with his wife, Janet, in raising and home schooling their four children.  Starting with the basics of what exactly a family is, Steve uses the Bible and Church teaching to explain how our earthly family is based on the Holy Trinity and how God desires that each family should love, communicate, and create. He explains the importance of changing the world "one diaper at time" in this society that is becoming hostile to God's rightly-ordered plan for the family. Steve then moves on to a discussion of the husband and wife relationship which is so critical in the raising of children. As the first teachers of their children, parents have the power to form how they will ultimately view God and relate to him. Steve explains the importance of having a plan for raising children, and how it's vitally important that fathers be intimately involved in the process. At the same time, Steve offers valuable advice to single parents trying to raise well-rounded children on their own.

Priceless Insights & Practical AdviceSteve's presentation on discipline offers the most valuable guidance any parent may hear on the subject, and you certainly won't want to miss it. Using a Biblical basis, he presents priceless insights and practical advice on raising well-mannered, well-adjusted, and well-liked children by setting appropriate boundaries for each age level. Always keeping in mind the most loving thing we can do for our children, Steve explains how to affirm our kids while pointing out and correcting bad behavior. In the final tape, “Teaching our Kids to Defend the Faith,” Steve makes the startling statement that we must raise our children to be rebels in this “post-Christian modern culture” where the legal and educational system is so much against what we as Catholics stand for. Whether your children are home schooled, in public schools or private, Steve says parents must always be involved in their children's faith formation. Teaching our children to love God's Word and the Mass from an early age, they will learn to be knowledgeable and fearless defenders of the Catholic Faith. This three-tape set is a must-listen for any parent, parent-to-be, or anyone even thinking of becoming a parent. Once you hear it, you'll want to share it with everyone you know, especially those who have bought in to today's popular “hands-off” concept of parenting. Their children will thank you for it! (3 tapes) $18.50. Order by phoning 877-461-8608 or:


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